"Vermont's Year Round Diversified CSA Farm"

You can eat fresh vegetables, and pasture-raised & grassfed meats from our farm YEAR ROUND!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Other Farmers Iron

I have a fondness for Farmers Iron.  There I've said it and I am not ashamed!

My favorite iron pile is at my neighbor Ed's dairy farm down the road.  I have bought my share of iron from him over the years, and have never been disappointed.  

The coolest piece of iron he has is a rock picker, made in Montana!  I could use it on the home farm which consists of Peru Stony Loam (emphasis on stony).  The other land we lease has few if any rocks on it and most of the veggies are grown there.

I took a friend up today to see Ed's rock picker in the pouring rain. It was decided that it was too much iron for his small rocky plot.

Later in the day after making deliveries to Burlington stores, I stopped off at the Intervale to chat with Thomas of Arethusa Collective Farm about tractors (of course).  He showed me the beautiful Allis Chalmers Gleaner Combine he purchased last year from a farmer down in Addison County.  Thomas uses it for beans and harvesting seed from cover crops grown on their organic farm.

1 comment:

Léna OUILLADE said...

This is your cousin in France. I don't understand half of the terminology you are using, and I was even raised 1. In Jericho and 2. with a barn and some animals and lots of gardens. No matter, I enjoy reading the blog and seeing the photos!